Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Reflective essay

Spring Summer Fall Winter and Spring by Kim Ki Duk
In this movie, there is an old monk, and a young monk, the apprentice. The really good thing about this movie is that you don't have to be into religion to understand  this movie.The movie doesn't have a lot of talking and characters. The title is used to show the growing up of a young boy and shows a few valuable lessons on the way. The old monk and the apprentice lives on a floating temple, away from human. To be honest I didn't think I was going to make it through this movie because it didn't have a lot of talking and I think there were only 2~3 conversation in the part "Spring".
I have only watched the part "Spring."  In there the apprentice learns his lesson. First he starts to tie rocks around the animals which are fish, frog, and snake. The old monk sees all of his actions and punishes him by tying the apprentice to a rock and make him know what he did; killing the animals. I think it was a good idea to teach the apprentice like that because if the old monk just say don't do it ever again, he might do it again because he didn't know how the animals felt. Some might think that it might be too harsh, but then the apprentice might do it again and again. 

We have all been punished for our parents for what we have done, but I think how you are punished decides your own personality. I think it does because if you keep doing something wrong, and don't get punished, you will think that is normal and keep doing it and it will make you a bad person. On the other hand if you do something wrong(anyone can make a mistake) and fix it you will become a better person.
I had a similar experience once, and I bet most of you have been thorough this situation. When I was in third grade there was this popular girl at school. She was really smart, pretty, and everyone liked her. But her problem was that she kept bullying people. No one said anything because she was popular. Then one day her friends didn't play with her and all of a sudden, she was the one who got bullied. Finally she knew her mistakes and she didn't bully anyone then on.
So in conclusion I think even though it might seem very harsh, I think punishing the children like the way the old monk did is a very good idea that all parents should do. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! This post looks really good. I love the look of your blog. Very natural and clean!

    As fore the essay, it's great. I was actually watching a documentary about bullying on KBS just now. It's a big problem, and schools have to do more to stop bullies before they can cause harm to their victims. Sometimes bullies become bullies because they were bullied by other bullies. It's a "vicious cycle." The only way to stop it is to make people understand how harmful it is - even to the bullies. Good post@!
