Thursday, December 29, 2011

History Presentation

Hi my name is Sue, and I'm going to talk about how Greeks were treatedwhen they were sick, and their ancient supersitions. I wanted to talk about this topic becasue it looked interesting when I first read it.
 One of the earliest doctor in Greece was Aesculapius. He was the sone of a god, so he probably didn't exist. But what's famous about him is his temple, called Aesculapius' temple. It is said that no one had ever died there. Do you know why? Anyone, Anyone at all? Well, the answer is simple. They cheated! If someone was dying when they arrived, they were not allowed in.And if they start dying once they were inside, they would be dumped in the nearby woods.
It is also said that the doctors were reallly fond of money.  The doctor priests warned the patients that if they didn't pay, the gods will make the patients much more sicker than before. One of the doctors, for instance, Menecrate blackmaile his patients so that if Menecrate cures the patients, the patient would have to agree to be his slave. But not every doctors were that mean. There was this famous physist/doctor name Hippocrates(460~377BC). He clained that magical cures by gods were nonsense and untrue. He believedinonly factual, and evidential studies about our human body. He also showed other doctors how they should behave; doctors must be careful not to get too fat. Someone who can't look after his own fitness, shouldn't be allowed to look after others. Secondly he should be clean, should wear good clothes because that makes the sick more comfortablewhile talking to the doctor. Also, the sick could gain trust from the doctor if they might be able to live more or not.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Hey! It is 2012 January 4th.
I hope you guys have had a great year in 2011 and good luck in 2012!!
Question of the day...
Please leave your answer in the comment.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

3 Amazing Thing About Me!

Hi! My name is Sue, and I'm going to talk about three things about me.
First, I really like to listen to music. I don't specifically hate any songs, but I like songs that our fun, cheery, exciting, etc.. Some of my favorite songs are Lucky by Britney Spears, I'm Yours by Jason Myraz.
Second, I love to read books. My favorite book so far is called Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and the Harry Potter series. From what I have told you, you might have guessed that I love fantasy books. It's not like I don't like any other genre's books, I love history fiction as well. Percy Jackson and the Olympians is a series which contains 5 books by Rick Riordan. It's really fun to read because it's like the old Greek myth mixed with our everyday life. It is taken place at USA, and Percy finds out Greek gods actually exist living on the 600th floor on the Empire State Building in New York. He gets in a war between the gods that we usually know like Zeus, Poseidon, and the gods who lived before them, for example, their father Kronos. It get really fun because a lot of thing happen, and it's not only about fighting in a war, it also talks about how they worked together to fight the evil. It's really a good book and I strongly recommend it.
Finally, I live in Seoul with my cousins. They are very nice to me.
Thank you for reading!